Post by Ronald RaygunWould you care (without necessarily naming and shaming) to be somewhat
more specific about what it is about your current lot which is failing
to please (apart from smoking in the office, of course)?
Well of course.
My primary bother is that they claim to take care of everything, but
They have no weekend call-out maintenance. Just because the other
residents know I own the flat they end up calling me if the tenant i
daft enough to flood the place. One of their ideas is that they would
never enter a let flat without the tenant's knowledge or permission,
unless it's some kind of emergency. Water pishing through the ceiling
into the flat below is no emergency, it seems.
The inventory is woefully sub-standard.
They seem to know all the most expensive locksmiths and joiners in town.
They have lost at least one set of keys to the premises.
They promised to be getting in about 100 more in rent than they are
actually realising.
Unless you chase them - say, over getting money to me out of the deposit
of a resident who has defaulted on the rent - then they will do next to
nothing. Even getting them to pay a visit to the premises - which is
very close to their own office - takes three days.
They promised a copy of every lease and the checked inventoy prior to
every new tenant moving in. They didn't send it until I chased them up
to do so.
In short, my problem is that they are shiftless. Suggestions for
replacements are welcome. FWIW, they are taking 15% plus 100 per new
lease to cover the lease, cleaning and advertising.
Mike Dickson, Edinburgh, Scotland