Adam John
2003-08-05 16:03:53 UTC
An arts director / impresario from Poland is trying to arrange a visit
to the Festival.
Everything was arranged, but she's been let down regarding
accommodation. Does anyone know of anywhere, from floor space to a
spare room where she can stay for a week to ten days for as little as
possible. (She can pay up to fifty quid a week to help out with costs,
but is aware that's well below the going rate)
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Many thanks.
to the Festival.
Everything was arranged, but she's been let down regarding
accommodation. Does anyone know of anywhere, from floor space to a
spare room where she can stay for a week to ten days for as little as
possible. (She can pay up to fifty quid a week to help out with costs,
but is aware that's well below the going rate)
email or post replies...
Many thanks.